Olivia Block

Olivia Block

Olivia Block website



Lowlands feature Observer

Lowlands feature WBEZ Chicago


The Mountains Pass review in The Wire by Bill Meyer

The Mountains Pass review in Nowhere Street by Peter Margasak

The Mountains Pass Review in Avant Music News by Michael Eisenberg


“15 Questions” Interview

ATTN:MAGAZINE Crucial Listening Podcast interview with Jack Chuter

Conversation with Luke Fowler on“Everything is Permitted” show, Clyde Built Radio

“Songs of Innocents” feature article and interview, and review of Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea, written by Bill Meyer. Wire Magazine, edition 454, December, 2021 Excerpt

Wire Magazine online “An Audio Introduction to Olivia Block”

Guardian, 11-19-21 Contemporary album of the month

“Olivia Block: Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea review – a magic-mushroom trip in music” by Jennifer Lucy Allan

Bandcamp “Album of the Day”-Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea, written by Marc Masters

October, 1984 included in Bandcamp’s Best of Experimental list by Marc Masters

Wire review of October, 1984 by Julian Cowley

BBC, New Music Show, “Abyss and Caress” episode. 11-20-21. Rivers in Reverse broadcast.

Foxy Digitalis premieres Olivia Block Axiolite video


Article on dBs Berlin Music Written by Dee Cunning

Article in Chicago Tribune Written by Lori Waxman


Contribution in Bandcamp Daily feature on Laurie Spiegel. Edited by Kevin Warwick.

15 Questions Interview

Interview with Simon Reynell/Another Timbre

Interview/Podcast: Sonic Genealogies on the work of Harry Bertoia


WBEZ Chicago The Morning Shift hosted by Tony Sarabia. Interview segment about 132 Ranks for pipe organ at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel


Feature on NPR's Morning Edition produced by independent producer David Schulman, part of his series "Musicians In Their Own Words."

Listeners on Listening interview by Steve Ashby

Lights Out with Olivia Block  in Seven Days 


Chicago Reader, Sculpting Millennium Sound November 5th, 2015 issue. Feature/cover article written by Peter Margasak

NOW IS podcast series interview by Ben Remsen

Sounds of a Tired City web blog/music publication. Interview by Emoke Csoma.


Chicago Reader. 2014 People Issue as a  "person of the year."  Selected and written/edited by Kevin Warwick. Video by Elly Tier.

Link to the article here


New York Times. Sept 15th Arts Section. Binding Sounds of the Earth: Pauline Oliveros and Olivia Block Find the Unconventional  Written by Steve Smith

Link to the article here


Musicworks magazine, issue 112. Feature article written by Chris Kennedy


Wire Magazine, issue 326. Feature article written by Julian Cowley

Chicago Reader, Music section, October 26, 2011. In Rotation series featuring Olivia Block, Joseph Clayton Mills, Jeff Mangum. Curated by Peter Margasak


Soundandmusic.org. Places: Olivia Block’s Chicago edited by Jonathan Webb

Soundwalk.com. “Editions” blog, Issue # 6. Cattle Guard recording feature and essay. Curated by Kamran Sadeghi


Brooklyn Rail website. "Is New York the New Second City?" Interview and article by Kurt Gottschalk.

Farimani Forum website audio series. Article and selected sound samples. Curated by Michael Capio


Tokafi.com website. “Impersonal Revelations.” Interview and article by Tobias Fisher.


Tokafi.com website “15 Questions for Olivia Block.” Interview by Tobias Fisher.


Blow Up Magazine, Italy. Interview by Stefano Bianchi.


Chicago Reader “Post No Bills.” Interview and article by Peter Margasak.

Chicago Tribune Friday Arts Section. Interview by Nina Metz.


Perfectsoundforever.com. Interview by Andy Beta

Sound Projecter, UK issue 10. Interview by Ed Pinsent.

Chicago Public Television Arts Across Illinois concert appearance and interview.


Blow Up Magazine, Italy. Interview by Stefano Bianchi.