Olivia Block’s 12 Degrees of Sky (2023) is a dramatization of/investigation into the limitations and thresholds of human perception. These transitional moments are expressed through sound and color in varying degrees of brightness and loudness. Presented nightly through for a period of three weeks at the James Turrell, Twilight Epiphany Skyspace at Rice University, the piece can be enjoyed as a sound composition, light piece, or both.
Recognizing that artist James Turrell has expressed interest in synesthesia, the pitch-to-color correspondence in human perception is a creative perspective in the installation.
Block created a composition that functions like a modern-day color organ. Composed for the multi-speaker system embedded in the walls of the Skyspace, 12 Degrees of Sky combines electronically synthesized tones and the recorded sounds of the grand concert pipe organ at The Shepherd School of Music, performed by Hannah Lingen Cen. In addition to clear tones and colors emanating from the walls of the space, passages featuring white noise playing quietly and dim lights will create a perceptual twilight.
Presented by Nameless Sound and Rice University Electroacoustic Music Labs (REMLABS) with support from Nameless Sound and Rice University's Arts Initiative Fund. Additional support is provided by the Moody Center for the Arts at Rice University, which oversees, maintains, and curates the Rice Public Art collection.
A segment of documentation from the rainy opening of a section of the wall.